color distance - определение. Что такое color distance
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Что (кто) такое color distance - определение

Distances; Distance Formula; Distance in time; Time distance; Directed distance; Distance traveled; Oriented distance; Distance (mathematics); Distance between sets
  • The distances between these three sets do not satisfy the triangle inequality:<math display="block">d(A,B)>d(A,C)+d(C,B)</math>
  • A board showing distances near [[Visakhapatnam]]
  • Distance along a path compared with displacement.  The Euclidean distance is the length of the displacement vector.
  • Airline routes between [[Los Angeles]] and [[Tokyo]] approximately follow a direct [[great circle]] route (top), but use the [[jet stream]] (bottom) when heading eastwards. The shortest route appears as a curve rather than a straight line because the [[map projection]] does not scale all distances equally compared to the real spherical surface of the Earth.
  • [[Manhattan distance]] on a grid
Найдено результатов: 1941
Color difference         
Color distance; Colour difference; ΔE (color space); CIEDE2000; Perceptual uniformity; Colour distance; Perceptually uniform
In color science, color difference or color distance is the separation between two colors. This metric allows quantified examination of a notion that formerly could only be described with adjectives.
color="green">·noun Remoteness of place; a remote place.
II. Distance color="green">·vt To place at a distance or remotely.
III. Distance color="green">·noun Space between two antagonists in fencing.
IV. Distance color="green">·noun Ideal disjunction; discrepancy; contrariety.
V. Distance color="green">·noun A space marked out in the last part of a race course.
VI. Distance color="green">·vt To cause to appear as if at a distance; to make seem remote.
VII. Distance color="green">·noun The interval between two notes; as, the distance of a fourth or seventh.
VIII. Distance color="green">·noun Length or interval of time; period, past or future, between two eras or events.
IX. Distance color="green">·noun The remoteness or reserve which respect requires; hence, respect; ceremoniousness.
X. Distance color="green">·noun A withholding of intimacy; alienation; coldness; disagreement; variance; restraint; reserve.
XI. Distance color="green">·noun Remoteness in succession or relation; as, the distance between a descendant and his ancestor.
XII. Distance color="green">·vt To outstrip by as much as a distance (see Distance, color="green">·noun, 3); to leave far behind; to surpass greatly.
XIII. Distance color="green">·noun The part of a picture which contains the representation of those objects which are the farthest away, color="green">·esp. in a landscape.
XIV. Distance color="green">·noun Relative space, between troops in ranks, measured from front to rear;
color="#777777">- contrasted with interval, which is measured from right to left.
XV. Distance color="green">·noun The space between two objects; the length of a line, especially the shortest line joining two points or things that are separate; measure of separation in place.
¦ color="green">noun
1. the length of the space between two points: color="gray">I cycled the short distance home.
2. the condition of being remote.
a far-off point.
3. the full length of a race or other contest.
color="slateblue">Brit. color="slateblue">Horse Racing a space of more than twenty lengths between two finishers in a race.
(color="darkslategray">the distance) color="slateblue">Brit. color="slateblue">Horse Racing a length of 240 yards from the winning post on a racecourse.
4. an interval of time.
5. aloofness or reserve.
¦ color="green">verb make distant.
?(often color="darkslategray">distance oneself from) dissociate or separate.
color="darkslategray">go the distance last or continue to participate until the scheduled end of a contest.
color="darkslategray">keep one's distance stay far away.
?maintain one's reserve.
ME (in the sense 'discord, debate'): from OFr. or from L. distantia, from distant-, distare (see distant).
Distance is a numerical or occasionally qualitative measurement of how far apart objects or points are. In physics or everyday usage, distance may refer to a physical length or an estimation based on other criteria (e.
color="gray">color="#222222">(distances, distancing, distanced)
color="slategray">Frequency: color="gray">The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English.
The color="blue">distance color="blue">between two points or places is the amount of space between them.
color="#222222">color="#005500">...the distance between the island and the nearby shore...
color="#222222">color="#005500">Everything is within walking distance...
color="green">color="gray">N-VAR: with supp, oft N between pl-n
When two things are very far apart, you talk about the color="blue">distance between them.
color="#222222">color="#005500">The distance wouldn't be a problem.
color="blue">Distance learning or color="blue">distance education involves studying at home and sending your work to a college or university, rather than attending the college or university in person.
color="#222222">color="#005500">I'm doing a theology degree by distance learning.
color="green">color="gray">ADJ: ADJ n
When you want to emphasize that two people or things do not have a close relationship or are not the same, you can refer to the color="blue">distance color="blue">between them.
color="#222222">color="#005500">There was a vast distance between psychological clues and concrete proof...
color="green">color="gray">N-UNCOUNT: usu N between pl-n color="gray">[color="darkgreen">emphasis]
If you can see something color="blue">in the distance, you can see it, far away from you.
color="#222222">color="#005500">We suddenly saw her in the distance...
color="green">color="gray">N-SING: in/into the N
color="blue">Distance is coolness or unfriendliness in the way that someone behaves towards you. (color="gray">FORMAL)
color="#222222">color="#005500">There were periods of sulking, of pronounced distance, of coldness.
color="darkviolet">? color="gray">closeness
color="green">color="gray">N-UNCOUNT: usu with supp
If you color="blue">distance color="blue">yourself from a person or thing, or if something color="blue">distances you color="blue">from them, you feel less friendly or positive towards them, or become less involved with them.
color="#222222">color="#005500">The author distanced himself from some of the comments in his book...
color="#222222">color="#005500">Television may actually be distancing the public from the war.
color="green">color="gray">VERB: V pron-refl from n, V n from n
color="#222222">color="#005500">Clough felt he'd become too distanced from his fans.
color="green">color="gray">ADJ: v-link ADJ, usu ADJ from n
If you are color="blue">at a distance from something, or if you see it or remember it color="blue">from a distance, you are a long way away from it in space or time.
color="#222222">color="#005500">The only way I can cope with my mother is at a distance...
color="#222222">color="#005500">Now I can look back on the whole tragedy from a distance of forty years.
color="green">color="gray">PHRASE: PHR after v, v-link PHR
If you color="blue">keep your color="blue">distance from someone or something or color="blue">keep them color="blue">at a distance, you do not become involved with them.
color="#222222">color="#005500">Jay had always tended to keep his girlfriends at a distance.
color="green">color="gray">PHRASE: V inflects
If you color="blue">keep your color="blue">distance from someone or something, you do not get physically close to them. (color="gray">OLD-FASHIONED)
color="#222222">color="#005500">He walked towards the doorway, careful to keep his distance.
color="green">color="gray">PHRASE: V inflects
color="blue">I. color="green">color="gray">n.
Degree of remoteness or removal.
Remote region, distant quarter.
Interval, space, space intervening.
Reserve, coldness, stiffness, distant behavior, frigidity.
color="blue">II. color="green">color="gray">v. a.
Outdo, surpass, excel, outstrip, leave behind.
color="#000000">1) to cover; run; travel; walk a distance
color="#000000">2) to keep a distance (to keep a safe distance between cars)
color="#000000">3) to close the distance between
color="#000000">4) a discreet; good, great, long; safe; short distance (we traveled a short distance)
color="#000000">5) (a) shouting; striking; walking distance (it's within easy walking distance)
color="#000000">6) (a) braking, stopping distance
color="#000000">7) a distance between; from; to (the distance between New York and London is three thousand miles; the distance from Philadelphia to Chicago is less than eight hundred miles)
color="#000000">8) at a distance (at a discreet distance; we spotted them at a distance of two hundred yards)
color="#000000">9) from a distance (I spotted her from a distance)
color="#000000">10) in the distance (the city was visible in the distance) (misc.)
color="#000000">11) to keep one's distance ('to not allow familiarity'); a short distance away; quite a distance
color="#000000">v. (D; refl.) to distance from
Euclidean distance         
  • Deriving the <math>n</math>-dimensional Euclidean distance formula by repeatedly applying the Pythagorean theorem
Distance formula; Euclidean metric; Pythagorean metric; Geometric distance; Euclidean Distance; Euclidian distance; Pythagorean distance; Euclidean measure; Squared Euclidean distance; Distance formula (coordinate geometry); Distance Formula (coordinate geometry); Distance in Euclidean space
In mathematics, the Euclidean distance between two points in Euclidean space is the length of a line segment between the two points.
Long-distance running         
  • [[Burton Holmes]]' photograph entitled ''"1896: Three athletes in training for the marathon at the Olympic Games in Athens"''.
  • Men in the 10&nbsp;km run section of the 2011 [[Grand Prix de Triathlon]] in Paris.
  • Women racing on snow in the 2012 [[European Cross Country Championships]]
  • Runners turning the bend in the men's 10,000 metres final at the [[2012 Summer Olympics]].
  • language=en}}</ref>
  • Women runners on a closed-off-road at the 2009 [[Yokohama Marathon]].
Athletics long distances; Long-distance Running; Distance running; Adventure running; Long-distance runner; Distance Running; Distance runner; Endurance running; Long distance runner; Long Distance Running; Endurance foot race; Long distance runners; Long-distance runners; Long-distance track event; Long distance running; 25,000 metres; Physiological factors of marathon running; User:Yacar.d/sandbox; Physiological Factors of Marathon Running; 25000 metres; 4000 metres
Long-distance running, or endurance running, is a form of continuous running over distances of at least . Physiologically, it is largely aerobic in nature and requires stamina as well as mental strength.
distance runner         
  • [[Burton Holmes]]' photograph entitled ''"1896: Three athletes in training for the marathon at the Olympic Games in Athens"''.
  • Men in the 10&nbsp;km run section of the 2011 [[Grand Prix de Triathlon]] in Paris.
  • Women racing on snow in the 2012 [[European Cross Country Championships]]
  • Runners turning the bend in the men's 10,000 metres final at the [[2012 Summer Olympics]].
  • language=en}}</ref>
  • Women runners on a closed-off-road at the 2009 [[Yokohama Marathon]].
Athletics long distances; Long-distance Running; Distance running; Adventure running; Long-distance runner; Distance Running; Distance runner; Endurance running; Long distance runner; Long Distance Running; Endurance foot race; Long distance runners; Long-distance runners; Long-distance track event; Long distance running; 25,000 metres; Physiological factors of marathon running; User:Yacar.d/sandbox; Physiological Factors of Marathon Running; 25000 metres; 4000 metres
¦ color="green">noun an athlete who competes in long- or middle-distance races.



Distance is a numerical or occasionally qualitative measurement of how far apart objects or points are. In physics or everyday usage, distance may refer to a physical length or an estimation based on other criteria (e.g. "two counties over"). Since spatial cognition is a rich source of conceptual metaphors in human thought, the term is also frequently used metaphorically to mean a measurement of the amount of difference between two similar objects (such as statistical distance between probability distributions or edit distance between strings of text) or a degree of separation (as exemplified by distance between people in a social network). Most such notions of distance, both physical and metaphorical, are formalized in mathematics using the notion of a metric space.

In the social sciences, distance can refer to a qualitative measurement of separation, such as social distance or psychological distance.